We will accept returns and exchanges of eligible items in new and unused/resalable condition, within 30 days of receipt with a valid proof of purchase. Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.

Customers are solely responsible for return shipping costs.

Certain items cannot be returned, exchanged, or canceled, including: personalized items, Custom or Made to Order Furniture, items purchased as final sale, store floor samples, and items used and/or damaged through wear and tear. Other restrictions may apply. All returns are at the company’s discretion.

Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you as to whether your return is accepted or declined. We reserve the right to refuse returns that show signs of wear or do not meet the above criteria. The processing of your return and return inspection can take up to 7 business days from receipt of delivery at our facility. 

Once approved, you will be refunded in full to your original form of payment with the shipping fee deducted from the total. Please allow 3-5 business days for the funds to process or 5-10 business days if you have paid via Paypal, Afterpay, or Sezzle.

Lost or stolen package? We do not refund in this type of situation. You must receive the original item ordered and only after receiving the item can you request an exchange or refund within the parameters outlined.